Meet Zoe
Full Name: Zoe-Mae Turner
Age: 8
About Zoe
A little shy and a lotta sweet, Zoe is an 8-year-old girl who is soft-spoken, inquisitive, super smart, and loves to read and write. She’s all about the facts, and she carries her notebook and pencil around always taking notes and writing positive aformations for herself and others who may need cheering up. She is a high-functioning kid with autism, but don’t let that fool you because Zoe can do anything that any other kid her age can do. She’s a little socially awkward, but she does just fine with the help of her friends. Her family recently relocated to Harlem, New York from Charleston, South Carolina. She’s very fashion forward and just loves polka dots.
Reading, writing, fashion, anything with Polka Dots, high-heels, dresses, skirts, peach cobbler, Hoppin’ John (southern dish), red beans and rice, green beans, math.
Bugs, cauliflower, dirt, scary movies, slimy things, turquoise shoes, snakes, plaid.
When she grows up
A Best-Selling Author, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Fashion Journalist, or the world’s greatest Graphic Designer.